What are the tendencies our children must learn from us?
Most Christian parents would agree that the following tendencies are among those important for their children to develop.
1. We want our children to develop the tendency to be people of strong Christian faith.
2. We want our children to develop their different abilities and ways of being intelligent.
3. We want them to develop the emotional intelligence necessary for empathy for those who suffer.
4. We want our children to develop the tendency to recognize and be outraged by injustice in any form. They should become willing to take action against that injustice, living with kindness and generosity.
5. We want our children to develop the tendency to be curious about the world around them, to grow intellectually, and to become critical thinkers.
6. We want our children to develop the tendency to be moral and of good character.
7. We want our children to develop the tendency to live with gratitude and happiness.
8. We want our children to develop the tendency for lifelong learning.
From the forthcoming book, Living in the Framework of Faithfulness by Julia K. Stronks and Gloria Goris Stronks
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