Friday, September 05, 2008

What can we do to help?

When we read about the hunger in places like India or Haiti, we Christians always say we will remember them in our prayers. I wonder, though, if my prayers are even heard if I haven't done all that I, personally, can do to help relieve the hunger.

I have watched tiny kindergarten children in India digging around in their little metal lunch buckets for the last small crumb of rice. Rice was all they had for their main meal of the day.

My husband and I are very careful when we give money to organizations. We do our research to make certain that the money actually goes to the people for whom it is intended. We are confident that when we send money to Worldwide Christian Schools, the money really does go to those in need.

To get a clearer picture of the needs you might want to go to to see the needs and the amount of money needed. WCS is called Worldwide Community Schools in India because of the trouble with the local people. In India there are Christian schools like the one in Orissa and also one called "Mullai" where the school feeds many community children. Usually the small breakfast and then the warm noon meal are the only food that the children can get.

There is another Christian school in Chennai that is in great need. Also, in Hyderabad there is a Christian school for the children who live in "Beggars' Valley", a place where the street cleaners and beggars live. I have been to some dreadful places in the world but Beggars' Valley is absolutely horrible. The state does not provide any schooling for those children.

WCS in the rest of the world is called Worldwide Christian Schools and that website is at


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