Worldwide Christian Schools

Can you imagine what it would be like to be a boy in a grade 4 classroom in which each child had one carefully guarded piece of lead with which to write? Or to be a student in a grade 7 classroom that was so crowded that students were sitting on the window ledge and in the aisles?
It is children in schools like these that Worldwide Christian Schools is helping. So what is Worldwide Christian Schools (WCS)? It is a non-denominational ministry that develops partnerships with organizations that operate their own schools in their own nations. WCS does not own or operate schools. Rather, we work through indigenous leadership to establish, maintain or expand Christian schools wherever they are needed most. Our job is simply to provide them with the critical resources they need to do their jobs.
Where is WCS located? The U.S. office is located in Grand Rapids, MI and Scott Vander Kooy is the Executive Director. The Canadian office is in Burlington, Ontario with Hank De Jong as Executive Director. There is also a WCS office in India and Ezekiel Selvaraj is Executive Director. Information concerning activities at these offices can be found at the same website, and then clicking on the country you choose.
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