Monday, January 01, 2007

Return to Soweto

By Emily Klooster

Click here to view a photo album of Africa Outreach Christian School in Soweto.

Soweto, South Africa is a place synonymous with freedom and hope. Rising out of a troubled past, the road to justice and equality has been long and difficult for Soweto, but a Christian school in one of the poorest areas of the city is partnering with Worldwide Christian Schools to achieve healing for the past, and hope for the future.

Field partners Pastor Johnson Mncube and his wife Nomsa run a small Christian school called Africa Outreach in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Soweto. The school began in 1993 with ten children from church-going families in the neighborhood. It has now grown to accommodate more than 70 students from the greater community.

The Africa Outreach School started out in the Mncubes home, and currently holds classes in temporary structures on the church grounds. The school is struggling to accommodate further growth without the proper space, so the Mncubes are seeking funds to build an addition that will house classrooms for more students. The total cost of the project Johnson envisions is $216,600.

WCS field director Dale Dieleman vouches strongly for the school and the dedication of the Mncubes. “By the commitment of Pastor Johnson to the spiritual, physical, and educational well-being of this community, we see a theme of an Africa for and by Africans being modeled here,” Dieleman said. “Hearing Pastor Johnson’s vision for this school and seeing how it is appreciated makes it evident that his commitment to the community is strong. WCS wants to be as supportive as possible in helping Pastor Johnson realize his dream of providing the first Christian primary school in this neighborhood.”

Click here to learn about a CD of African songs benefitting Africa Outreach Christian School in Soweto.

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