Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"What must I do to be saved?"

A student in grade eight wrote the following to me, "I am happy that Jesus makes it so easy to be saved. All I have to do is believe in Him. Nothing else is expected of me."

I answered him this way. "What you have written is very true. However, if we really are saved by the grace of Jeus Christ we will surely want to live in ways that show our gratitude for that salvation by helping those in need. Remember that Jesus said the second great commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves. When his disciples asked who their neighbor was, Jesus told them the story of the good Samaritan. Once we truly belong to Jesus our lives will be completely changed because we will live in obedience to the second great commandment."

Alvin Alexi Currier wrote the following: Because Jesus' teachings are so challenging and radical, it is much more comfortable to focus on a quiet, private, personal relationship with him than it is to follow his teachings that call for a public prophetic witness.


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