Saturday, January 05, 2008

Stop Junk Mail!

I just signed up with to stop junk mail that comes to our house. I paid $20 to do so.

Now if someone could tell me how to stop spam in my email I would be very happy.


At 1/05/2008, Blogger Sanjiv said...

GreenDimes here,

Thanks for signing up and spreading the word. I use yahoo mail, and 95% of my spam goes into the bulk file

At 1/10/2008, Blogger Jaap said...

I use Gmail, and every single spam message ends up in my Spam folder (no false positives, no false negatives). By the way, you can instruct Gmail to automatically fetch e-mail messages from any regular POP account, which makes switching to Gmail while keeping your current e-mail address a lot easier. Good luck,

kind regards,

Jaap Stronks (presumably a distant relative),

The Netherlands


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