Wednesday, January 14, 2009

From the World Future Society

Nanotechnology — the manipulation of materials and machines at the nano-scale — one billionth of a meter — promises exciting new developments. Interviews with a group of nanotechnology experts yielded this list of likely developments:

Two to five years from now:

1. Car tires that need air only once a year.
2. Complete medical diagnostics on a single computer chip.
3. Go-anywhere concentrators that produce drinkable water from air.

Five to 10 years

4. Powerful computers you can wear or fold into your wallet.
5. Drugs that turn AIDS and cancer into manageable conditions.
6. Smart buildings that self-stabilize during earthquakes or bombings.

10 to 15 years

7. Artificial intelligence so sophisticated you can't tell if you're talking on the phone with a human or a machine.
8. Paint-on computer and entertainment video displays.
9. Elimination of invasive surgery, since bodies can be monitored and repaired almost totally from within.


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