Monday, June 25, 2007

Ways You Can Help With WCS Projects

Can we help? There are many ways teachers, parents, grandparents, children, and all who are concerned about God’s children throughout the world can help with these projects. For more information about each of the following programs visit

Lunch Money Fund – There are children in India for whom the only meal of the day is the lunch that is served to them in school. For only 30 cents a day a child can have that one very important meal. Think how wonderful it would be if grandparents would suggest, “When it is your birthday you will get a birthday present, as always. However, we will also send enough money for 100 children to have a meal at school because it is your birthday.

Sponsor a school - The School Sponsorship Program provides operational funds and prayer support for schools around the world. This program makes it possible for children to receive a high quality, Christ-centered, community transforming education where typically no other educational options exist. A total of $34 per month ($400/year) will help a Christian school in an especially needy area to pay for operational costs and offer tuition to those who can't afford it. Imagine what would happen if each North American Christian school or family sponsored one needy school in another part of the world.

My Own Bible – For only $5.00 a child in Africa can not only receive a Bible but also will be trained by The Bible League in reading and understanding that Bible. Imagine what would happen if one class of children in every North American Christian school collected funds for this purpose!

Playground equipment – In many of the schools we help the children have no sports equipment or playground equipment such as soccer balls, bats, softballs, jump ropes or other things. Usually these things can best be purchased by the teachers. But they have no money for such equipment.


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