Monday, December 10, 2007

Suicide over language!

Teachers in the Christian schools of India are faced with the fact that students must now know how to read and write English. Many of the Christian schools receive no government funding and must depend on gifts from you and from all of us to meet the needs of their students. Yet they go forward and work hard to make certain their students learn to read and write in English.

A teacher just wrote to say the following:

One incident happened in Tamilnadu last week. A student from Engineering college comitted suicide because he couldn't understand anything that was taught in the class. All of the teaching was in English. As this student completed his schooling in a government school in Tamil language, he lost hope about his future.

The Tamilnadu government is running only Tamil language medium schools whereas in all the colleges English is compulsory. I know that God is using me and our school for a good purpose because we train children in English medium right from the beginning.


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