Greetings to you in Jesus' most precious name.
By the grace of God everyone is keeping well here. All the children are fine and enjoying the blessing of the Lord. We are grateful and thankful to you for your love, prayers, concern, care, encouragement and support.
The Lord is doing wonderful works here because of your prayers. New Life School is running well, children are preparing for the annual examination.
Praise God that more than 165 poor children have enrolled in this school. New Life School is a real blessings to many needy children here in Orissa. We have 8 teachers and 2 non teaching staffs, 1 principal involved in this ministry.
Your support goes beyond New Life School, and directly impacts hundreds of children's lives who would not otherwise have hope. Without your prayers and support we are unable to run this worthy work. As the ministry is growing, the needs are also growing. Prayerfully herewith we are sending the expenses details for your kind consideration and necessary action. Please pray and help for God’s glory and for the extension of His kingdom.
Thank you again for your love, prayers and support. We are praying and looking forward to hear from you. Thanking you
With much prayers and Love.
In Christ
Siani Harpal
Monthly Expenditure details of New Life School, Kesinga
Salary to 8 teachers @Rs2500/- per teacher So total Rs20000/-
House Rent : Rs5000/-per month
Salary to Principal Rs 5000/-
Salary to 2 peons @Rs1250/- per peon So total Rs2500/-
Electrical Bill per month Rs3000/-
Phone bill Rs500/-
Chalk & Duster Rs300/-
Printing, Xerox etc Rs700/-
Others , maintenance Rs5000/-
Total Rs42000/- per month
Yearly expenses:
Books, stationeries, Notebooks, pen , pencils Rs200000/-
Uniform , shoe , socks, tie, belt etc Twice in a year Rs200000/-
Sports equipments, Bench, desks, chairs, computers, toys etc Rs200000/-
If you would like to donate to this worthy ministry, please contact Worldwide Christian Schools at www.wwcs.org.
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