Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sublime Moments

I have often thought that our lives on earth are full of sublime moments, if we only knew to see them.

I was 19 years old and in my last year of undergraduate education at Calvin College. I was supporting myself while I studied and worked at a hospital for children and young people who needed long-term care and therapy. The children and young people who were patients had physical deformities of some kind. Some of them had little flippers instead of arms and legs as results of the mother’s having been told to take the drug, Thalidomide, during pregnancy. Others were quadriplegics or paraplegics.

Mathilda was four years old and she had burns all over her body except for the center of her hands, which she had clenched tightly during the fire. She could not stand up straight because the burns had caused webbing in her skin. The doctors said she would likely not live very long because her immune system did not allow her to fight normal childhood illnesses.

Mathilda was one of the naughtiest children I have ever known. No family or friends ever came to see her. She was very mean to the other children but when we would try to make her take a time out, or restrain her in any way she would cry, “My burns, you’re hurting my burns.” Her screams could be heard all up and down the halls.

A Methodist church had set up a very nice Sunday school for children of different ages. Mathilda begged to be allowed to go to the Sunday school for four-year-olds but the very first time I brought her there she as returned within ten minutes and the teacher said that she must not come again. The following Sunday Mathilda begged and begged to be allowed to go to Sunday school and after hearing her promise to be perfect, I brought her again. Again she was returned shortly after it started with the teacher saying very firmly that Mathilda was never to come to Sunday school again.

I was a nurse’s aide in that hospital and often had night duty alone. My only task was to comfort the children if they wakened. At about two o’clock in the morning I would be sitting alone in the nurses station. All of a sudden I would hear a hoarse voice say,”Goria”. And there would stand Mathilda in her long white nighty. She was awake because her burned body hurt so much. So we would get the cocoa butter and I would carefully smooth it all over her. Then, we would pull a little rocking chair close to my desk and make a tent out of a white sheet to keep her warm while the cocoa butter soaked in. While we sat and talked, because her burns hurt her too much for me to hold her. Mathilda would ask me the most remarkable questions.

I can still hear that hoarse voice today, speaking with those damaged vocal cords, “Goria, where do you fink is God?” “If dere was an angel in here where would the angel be?” “Is a bunny wabbit sort of like an angel...a white one, I mean?” “Goria, do you fink maybe God hates me?” “Was I being bad do you fink?” “Goria, God could make my wocking chair talk if he wants to.” “Why do you fink he doesn’t want to?” And she wanted to hear story after story, often from the Bible, but sometimes stories I made up for her. She would ask for a story about Princess Mathilda and I would tell her about the wonderful princess who was so kind and good that everyone loved her, hoping that some of it would rub off.

One night, after her cocoa butter had been smeared over her, Mathilda said to me, “Goria, tell me about the beautiful Mathilda girl.” I didn’t know what she meant so I asked. She said, “You know, once upon a time dere was a beautiful girl named Mathilda.” How could I make up such a story for her with her burned face and body and feet and hands?

So after a while I said, “Once upon a time Mathilda was asleep and she slept for a very, very long time. And then suddenly a voice said, ‘Wake up now, Mathilda, because you are mine.’ And Mathilda woke up and the big voice said to an angel standing nearby, “Bring me the most beautiful white dress you can find and put it on Mathilda because she is mine and I have made her beautiful.’ And the angel brought the beautiful white dress and put it on Mathilda. Then the voice said, ‘Bring golden slippers and put them on her feet because I know Mathilda’s name and she is mine.’ And the angel did what she was told. And then the voice said, ‘Mathilda, you will always be with me and you will always be beautiful because I have made you that way and you are mine.’”

When the story was finished, Mathilda looked at me with big round eyes. Then she whispered, “Don’t say the name, Goria.” I said, “What name?” “The name of the big voice. Don’t say that name.” And then she said, “I want to go to bed now. You don’t come with me.” And just a couple of minutes later I peeked at her and she was curled up like a little white ball in her bed, with her eyes tightly shut and her hands folded. And all of a sudden she whispered, without opening her eyes, “He knows my name. The Big Voice knows my name!”

I realize that I often spend time looking and waiting for sublime moments. I believe that sublime moments are all around us to encourage us and to help us move forward. God had taken my weak stories and turned them into a sublime moment for me as well as for Mathilda. And God can and will also take the weaknesses and mistakes in Christian schools around the world and turn the work of his faithful people into glory.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Speak Out!

Speak out for those who cannot speak, for the rights of all the destitute. Speak out, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.

- Proverbs 31:8-9

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Will you help?

Would you like a simple solution to benefit our partner schools in Asia?

WCS staff will soon be traveling to India for two annual teacher training conferences.
Dr. Gloria Stronks, WCS Director of Teacher Continuing Education, has acquired 18 DVD projectors for Christian schools in India to use as educational tools in their classrooms - a blessing for our school partners!

Most of the recipient schools of the DVD projectors have orphanages for abandoned children. Many students from Hindu families are receiving a quality education while learning about Christ’s love for them. Christian and educational DVDs will enhance their learning and broaden their Biblical understanding and worldview, just as they have for your own children or grandchildren, nieces, nephews and friends.

In order to maximize the resource of the DVD projectors, donated educational or Christian DVDs are needed. As you clean out closets, browse garage sales or visit friends, will you keep this need in mind? Any resources you provide will go to India with Gloria and end up in the hands of these children.

Donated books and/or DVDs can be dropped off or shipped to our new address:

Worldwide Christian Schools
Re: DVDs for India
629 Ionia Ave. SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Questions Students Ask

(From the forthcoming book, Living in the Fabric of Faithfulness, by Julia K. Stronks and Gloria Goris Stronks)

Ask Christian parents what they wish for their children and they will likely say, “I want my child to have a Christian faith and to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.” When you probe further you will likely hear, “I want them to be honest and to work hard. I would like them to go to church regularly, to be leaders in their church and community, and to be good parents.”

Those are good goals for one’s children but will they lead to transformed lives? There is no guarantee that, having reached those goals, our children will be living changed, radically different lives from those of non-Christians.

People reach age l6, the beginning of older adolescence, having come through one of the most fragile periods of their lives. The l2-l5 age period is a most tumultuous time during which young people examine the beliefs and attitudes held by their parents and teachers in order to begin to understand what they will hold as true for their own lives.

The reason why Christians are so similar in their attitudes values, and lifestyles to non-Christians is that they were not sufficiently challenged to think and behave differently – radically differently, based on core spiritual perspectives – when they were children. Simply getting people to go to church regularly is not the key to becoming a mature Christian. Spiritual transformation requires a more extensive investment in one’s ability to interpret all life situations in spiritual terms. (George Barna, 2004, discussing his research on children’s faith.

Recently we began wondering whether the changes in family life and the frequent use of different kinds of technology might be limiting the amount of time and, therefore, the ability young people have to engage in their newly developing skill of reflective thinking. We developed a survey to find out and then accumulated 2510 responses, all coming from seventh and eighth grade students in 17 Christian schools across North America. As part of the survey students were asked to list questions they would like to ask someone but probably wouldn’t dare to do so. While their questions concerned everything from wondering about sexuality, bodily functions, and family problems, their questions concerning biblical truths and their own faith demonstrate serious soul-searching.

• I would really like to know if God is as loving as everyone believes, why does he let evil happen?

• Why do I question God’s existence?

• I would like to ask why God won’t just show all people who are lost a great miracle and then they will all believe in him.

• What’s the point? Besides asking God for things and saying thank you for other things, what’s the point? Why do we need God? Why do some people yearn for God or want more of him? I’ve never felt that way. What’s the point of God? Does our life matter at all? I mean, I’d rather be alive, but, again, what’s the point?

• Why did God test Adam and Eve if he knew they were going to sin?

• How did everyone get here if only one man and a woman were here first. I mean everyone started in Israel. Then how did they get to North and South America and become Indians and have a whole different language?

• Why did people live longer before the flood?

• Am I a good Christian? Am I doing God’s will? Can you stop being a Christian?

• How can you change the ways you have been so that it pleases God (like get rid of bad habits)?

• How do I know if I am forgiven? How do I know if I am growing in faith? How do I make myself stronger in faith?

• How do I witness without shoving the gospel down people’s throats and being annoying?

• How do we judge things not in the Bible?

• How often should we pray?

• I love God, go to church, and go to a Christian school but don’t feel closer to God. What does that mean? I read my Bible everyday. Why do I still feel so far away from God?

• Why am I drifting apart so far from God? What has happened to me? I feel like a chameleon I have to change in front of every new person I meet or have meet.

• How can people talk about the greatness of Christianity, when it is stained by so much bloodshed?

• If I don’t want to go to church, is it sin? If we don’t go to church, and just believe Jesus, do we go to the heaven after we die?

• If you are a Christian but you hate going to Sunday school…does that mean you’re not a Christian?

• Isn’t Saturday the Lord’s day of worship? Why do most people go to church on Sunday?

• What exactly are saints?

• What is Lent about, why do they do it?

• How does God interact with life on other planets?

• Is there life in other galaxies? Do they know about God? Why couldn’t God make other intelligent life in the universe(s)?

• Does anyone else wonder if God is really real? Because Buddhist thinks Buddha is God. I feel Bad for asking that but I wonder sometimes.

• I want non-biblical proof that Jesus rose.

• I want to know the truth How History and Biblical history fit together. I want to know the answers to all the questions I have that make me doubt my religion.

• If God already knew the world would be corrupt why did he make it in the first place?

• When Satan sinned was he in heaven & if so how could he be in heaven since you can’t sin in heaven?

• Who does Satan think he is?

It is clear that our middle school students want to understand the biblical teachings that are to direct their lives. Teachers and parents need to learn about the questions their own students are afraid to ask and then, together, find ways to answer them. I am so very grateful to God that we have Christian middle schools where this can happen.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Minnesota joke

I grew up in the state of Minnesota, which is in the midwest section of the United States. Many people in that state are of Scandinavian ancestry. They love to tell jokes about themselves. My nephew just sent this one.

After having dug to a depth of 10 meters last year, Scottish scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 100 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 100 years ago.

Not to be outdone by the Scots, in the weeks that followed, British scientists dug to a depth of 20 meters, and shortly after, headlines in the UK newspapers read: "British archaeologists have found traces of 200 year old copper wire and have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network a hundred years earlier than the Scots."

One week later, "The Klub", a Sunburg, Minnesota newspaper reported the following: "After digging as deep as 30 meters in corn fields near Games Lake, Ole Johnson, a self taught archeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing. Ole has therefore concluded that 300 years ago Norwegians were already using wireless."

Pray for "Jesus" Camp

One Minute Prayer eMail
Get-to-Know JESUS Camp 2K7
(Conducted by Jesus Enables Ministries, exclusively for persons with disabilities)
to be held at
Sacred Heart School, Shollinganallur, Chennai-600119
19th(Thur.) to 22nd(Sun.) April 2007
Pray as you read for ... lively Group Discussion
Pray that there would be stimulating discussions leading to better understanding about the claims of the Gospel of Christ.
And they talked together of all these things which had happened. So it was, while they conversed and reasoned, that Jesus Himself drew near and went with them. Luke 24:14,15

Sunday, April 01, 2007

A Request

Worldwide Community Schools hopes to provide DVD projectors for Christian schools in India. They will project the DVD onto a white sheet for the children to watch. Many of the children are from Hindu families and others live in orphanages run by the teachers.

Do you have any Bible story DVDs that you would like to send to us? Perhaps your own children have outgrown them. (Sorry but we can't use Veggie Tales because they will be confusing for these children.)

We also would love to bring them Bible story books and other stories about children who try to live Biblically directed lives.

If you would like more information about where to send such materials, please contact me.

Gloria Stronks
