Thursday, May 29, 2008

English Teachers Needed in Ukraine!

English Teachers Needed in the Ukraine:

Last minute drop-outs have created the need for 2-3 English teachers in June. If you enjoy talking with teenagers and your summer plans are not set in stone, please consider filling a need at the Tivadarfalva Reformed High School for English teachers. The program lasts from June 17 – June 26.

All you need is a passport, airfare plus $100, a knowledge of English, and the freedom to go soon!

For more information, please contact Beth Lantinga at: or by telephone: 616.456.9719.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

India 2008 Conference

We are on our way home from the WCS-India conference. This year the conference was held in a center in Hyderabad. The temperature was 104 degrees during the day but the enthusiasm of the conferees was almost as high. Ceiling fans helped a great deal since we didn't have an air-conditioned meeting room.

The speakers were Charles Manuel, WCS-India board president; Dr. Vimala PunithaKumar, president of St. Christopher's Teachers College; Aarti (I will fill the last name in later) a psychologist who works with children and teachers; Dr. Ken Gnanakan, widely known for his work in theology, the environment, and many other areas; and me.

In spite of the warm weather there were many who said this conference was the best one we have had. I think that is because of the teams and games arranged by Avitha. One would never think of sitting around a campfire in such weather but they did and laughed so much that some of them had trouble sleeping remembering the jokes and rest of the fun.

The really great part of this conference is that the WCS-India board composed of Charles, Avitha, and Lillian, is now a true partner of WCS. The India board will make all decisions concerning conferences, topics, and speakers. They also will make the decisions that concern projects to be supported.

I am thrilled about this turn of events because I have such admiration for that board!