Be the Church
Be the Church
By Ken Hekman
I’ve seen a preacher now and then
With arrogance and double-chin
And habits that remind me of
A cross between a hawk and dove.
He chooses whom he loves and hates
With passive and aggressive traits,
While calling from his lofty perch:
Care to join us? Be the church!”
I’ve heard a thousand tales unfold
Of places where you fit the mold,
But seldom does the church take aim
To serve the poor and aid the lame.
When needs are greatest, who is there
To offer more than pious prayer?
Will Christians end the desperate search,
And will they dare to be the church?
To be the church is so much more
Than opening the massive door,
Or calling to a passing soul
How Jesus’ love can make them whole.
It’s more than prayer, more than songs;
It’s taking chances, righting wrongs,
Getting dirty, shedding tears,
Helping people face their fears.
Where two or three will come to meet
And throw themselves at Jesus’ feet,
The Lord is likely to be found
To claim them as His hallowed ground;
Their selfless service, acts of love
Reflect the heart of God above.
When people join Him while He works
You’re bound to find them be the church.